Body cleanse parasites: get rid of the uninvited guests

The number of parasites that is all around you, similar to viruses, bacteria. They enter the body through the mouth, skin, respiratory tract. Every year it turns out a million cases of helminthiasis. Most common in children, because of the nature of the health behavior, as well as the available protective properties. Cleaning them is not a big problem. We will discuss the most effective way.

the parasites in the body

How do we recognize them?

Objective diagnosis of parasitic diseases is difficult due to the imperfections of laboratory methods. The analysis of the feces, the eggs, the worms often negative, but does not confirm absence of the infection. Therefore, it is important to know the signs by which you can suspect yourself of parasites are:

  1. Common symptoms — malaise, weakness, loss of appetite, fatigue. It may be because of the intoxication by the waste products of the worms.
  2. Loss of appetite, weight loss. Sometimes, on the contrary, experience constant hunger.
  3. Gastrointestinal symptoms: nausea, bloating, diarrhea, alternating constipation, slight abdominal pain. These symptoms are not permanent. Often a person to "undo" those mistakes in the diet, and not to the doctor.
  4. Reduced immunity, which manifests itself in frequent colds, as well as acute exacerbations of chronic persistent infection. Frequent cold sores is the number that is clear sign of reduction in the resistance of the organism.
  5. Allergic reactions: skin rash, the type of urticaria, dry cough at night, rhinitis, and others. The body of the parasites or foreign bodies, so the immune system responds to the rejection. Production of antibodies to "disrupt" the protein molecules helminthiasisok protein in the food. And then there's an allergic reaction.
  6. Disorders of the nervous system. General intoxication is not lost nerve cells. The person becomes irritable, nervous, sleep badly.
  7. Hypovitaminosis: a bundle of nails, brittle hair, dry skin. The worms "steal" a man feeding off the nutrients.

These symptoms are not specific. They accompany many diseases, helminthiasisok infections is often overlooked.

In recent years, a proliferation of the preventive approach to the problem. Prior to cleaning, it is recommended that all patients for the risk groups: children, the hunters, who have Pets, or contact with them to work.

Where to start cleansing?

Make sure that the parasite doesn't happen in a day. Often a person several types of. Violating the work, all the organs, especially the liver and kidneys. Huge destruction of foreign agents can lead to severe poisoning, and then start the mechanisms of autoimmune reactions. It doesn't cause serious damage, as well as the results of the intensive care unit. It's very important the right approach to cleaning.

Before the destruction of worms, you need to create the conditions for growth and activity. This week stick to your diet:

  • used products, which are harmful parasites: pineapple, pomegranate, garlic, cabbage, pumpkin seeds, fruit, vegetables, dairy products;
  • willing to every meal, which "feed" the uninvited guests: meat, fish, milk, candy, bread, baking;
  • eat a lot of water;
  • the fruit and vegetables raw;
  • eat smaller portions, more often (smaller meals).

Two general approaches to get rid of parasites — medical people. Let's look at the features.

pills for the parasites


The main problem with the drug treatment lies in the diversity of the species, the parasites, and toxicity of most drugs.

The treatment consists of three stages:

  1. Preparation — detoxification required, the deficiency of vitamins, and digestive enzymes.
  2. Get rid of the worms, parasite — specific treatment.
  3. Recovery — the second phase of detoxification to remove the products of the destruction of life, restore the metabolism.

Important! Drugs may not be used without consulting of doctor.

Most popular recipes

The Method Of Hilda Clark

Cleaning program is effective, the redemption of not only the worms but also other parasites, bacteria, viruses. Use the green shell of walnuts, dried wormwood, and clove powder.

Recipe tincture of walnut:

  • clean 15 green walnuts;
  • fill the shells with alcohol or vodka (0.5 liters);
  • leave for a month in a dark place.

By the scheme (PCP): first day drops dissolved in 100 ml of water, then slowly drink, then added, drop by drop, on the sixth day, the dose is 2 tsp. the tincture. Daily for years.

Artemisia to grind the powder, drink rise before dinner: the first two days of the half-teaspoon, and two days of a teaspoon, and then about 1.5 tsp and increased the dose every second day, up to 3.5 teaspoons (at the end of the second week). Then within a year, half a teaspoon at night.

Powder of cloves in the morning before breakfast (1 dose corresponds to the volume of peas): first day — 1 dose, second day — 2 doses, the third day 3 dose. On the tenth day carnation drink recorder three times a week, of the year (3 doses).

Russian triptych 1. No.

The method proposed by Professor Ivanchenko A. I., especially in our latitudes, where the nuts grow only in the South. It is also a cleaning wormwood, and cloves with the addition of tansy.

Recipe. Measure: tansy — 100 g, wormwood — 30 grams cloves — 50 g (each component in advance to turn on the dust). The mixture is stirred.

Dosage. 1 dose of 1.75 grams (you will need a doctor's scale). The comfort, the weight of the first dose measurements, the estimated amount (a teaspoon without slides).

How to accept. First day drink 1 dose of the mixture in the morning half an hour before meals. On the second day add a reception before dinner. The third to the seventh day 3 times a day (before meals). Later in the year means that 1 dose once a week (prevention).

Russian triptych 2. No.

Cleaning herbs in the same way as the previous recipe. The device is prepared by mixing powdered cumin seeds (1 part), ground rhizome (1. part), and ground marigold petals (part 2). Store in a glass jar in the dark.

Clean, pure wormwood

The grass is sold in any pharmacy. Treatment: a teaspoon 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner for 1 month. Then, in order to prevent once a week. The "fight" to the bitter of wormwood, the powder is poured into a bread ball and swallow it whole.

garlic against parasites


The healing properties of garlic was known to people long before the invention of antibiotics. Since Genghis Khan was to fight the viruses, bacteria, fungi.

Today I have 3 recipes for cleansing the body of parasites using garlic:

  1. Fast

You will need a Cup of peeled garlic you want to eat at the same time. In the evening, before dinner no later than 18 hours. At 10, eat a pickle or sauerkraut, and then the whole dose of garlic, cut into slices. You don't have to chew. Serve it with a cucumber or tomato juice. The next day, before lunch, only pickles to eat, and to drink pickle juice. Materials are the intestine is fatal to all parasites.

  1. Slow

Daily use of garlic, starting with small, gradually increasing. Also to swallow a piece of garlic, whole, drink, cucumber juice, fresh plums, Apple, tomato juice. The first effects are observed after a week.

  1. Enema

Many people find it difficult to eat large amounts of garlic at a time. Then resort to the enema. Preparation of the solution: crush 2 cloves of an enamelled pot, pour the milk (0,5 l), add 2 tbsp. the tansy and boil for 10 minutes. The cold soup is filtered cheesecloth. A procedure takes, 2 cup. Repeat daily for 1 week.

Such methods are contraindicated in certain diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract. During the procedure, it may be that the unpleasant smell of the skin, which disappears in time.


It has long been known that the alkaline environment unsuitable for life of most parasites. Enough for the introduction of soda solution enema (mostly live in the colon). Only a few lesions (e.g., giardiasis), you need to the small intestine by the ingestion of baking soda within.

The treatment is carried out in three stages:

  1. Bowel cleansing with salt water (enema Esmarch mug). The volume of the injected water may not be less than a liter (two is better), add 1-2 tablespoons of salt. Temperature room (22-24 °C). The contents of the intestines to slow the procedure remains pain-free.
  2. Enema baking soda. The boiled water (800 ml) add a tablespoon of baking soda, and heated to a temperature of 37-40 °C. in the intestine with the help of a mug Esmarch, but it will keep the water longer (maybe half hour).
  3. The repetition of the usual cleaning enema salt water.

Such procedures should be performed within 8-10 days (daily or break). The first enema may be accompanied by minor pain.

Cleaning soda

There is a more comprehensive approach to clean the body of parasites soda. I suggest to establish an alkaline environment not only in the intestine, but also blood. Then, like the adults and the larvae feeding on the blood.

The technique:

  • Bowel cleansing carried out according to the same system: enema with saline, soda water enema second enema.
  • The first day: dissolve 0,2 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of cooled boiled water to drink three times a day, before meals.
  • The second-fourth day: increase dose by 0.1 teaspoon per day. The sampling frequency is stored.
  • Then maintain the dose of half a teaspoon 3 times a day until the seventh day.

In addition to alkalinity of the internal environment, the soda antiseptic properties, which reduce the inflammation of the intestinal mucosa caused by the worms.

The hydrogen peroxide

purifying the body

Worms are able to tolerate an oxygen concentration of not higher than 11%. The hydrogen peroxide breaks down in the intestine to water and oxygen, which kills not only the yarn, but also single-celled parasites. Also cleans the intestines of toxins.

Treatment adults:

  • Take mineral water or 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.
  • 1. day: 1 drop of water (50 ml) half an hour before meals.
  • Every day increase the dose one drop, so that 10 drops for 10 days.
  • A little break for 3 days.
  • If the person does not feel well, repeat the course. First 10 drops 3 times a day. Put breaks: 3 days to drink, 3 day break, while the total duration of treatment does not exceed 21 days.

Reception of hydrogen peroxide internally can cause side effects (diarrhea, nausea, skin rash, etc.). In such cases, the treatment should be terminated. Soda-peroxide is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of the parasites, so as to create it impossible conditions of existence.

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate is used as an antiseptic for many diseases. The parasites also die. Another effect is the stimulation of the peristalsis of the intestine, which creates the conditions for the removal of dead worms and toxins.

The technology for the production of the standard enema using a mug Esmarch. It is important to dilute the drug to-correctly— that light pink color. A large concentration can cause a burning, erosion, the mucous membrane. Before the enema, to make sure that the crystals also dissolved. The potassium derived from not only malicious inhabitants of the intestine, but accumulated in the body toxins.


The undisputed leader in this group of castor oil. Not so long ago, doctor prescribed medicines, castor oil almost every disease. This is the source of healthy fatty acids excellent antiparasitic agent. The only negative was the unpleasant taste and smell.

Describe how to reduce this problem:

  • Mix honey, maple syrup or pear nipple (3 tablespoons of oil, add a sweetener). All dissolved in 50 ml of water to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Pour the castor oil in a enameled bowl, the ratio is 1 ml per 1 kg of weight is placed on the fire. Prepare the juice, lemon or grapefruit to take the medicine. If you have a drink in the heated castor oil, then immediately wash the citrus juice, the bad taste will not be as striking.
  • The recipe specifically for plant protection: in the evening a light dinner the rice, after 12 hours of night — sweet green tea in a few minutes, drink 50 ml of oil, then I go to sleep. The effect can be expected, directly after waking up. So you have several procedures in a row.
  • Mix the butter and bran in a tablespoon and a teaspoon of castor oil. Drink night (before taking better if you don't eat 6 hours).

Cleanse the body from parasites, so it helps to normalize the digestion, as well as a few pounds overweight.


It is important to note that when cleaning the body of parasites increased load on the system selection (liver, kidney), as well as the immune system (the introduction into the bloodstream of toxins). In some cases, the treatment home shall be prohibited:

potassium permanganate parasites
  • pregnancy and breast-feeding;
  • heavy common diseases: myocardial infarction cerebral stroke, heart failure, decompensation of chronic pathology;
  • Oncology;
  • acute infectious diseases (influenza, SARS, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.).
  • differences in liver or kidney;
  • gastric ulcer, erosion, ulcers of the mucous membrane of the intestine;
  • the bleeding (including menstruation in women).

If you feel bad, you need to contact the doctor. It's hard helminthiasis are treated in the hospital, arranging detox, and controls the functions of all body systems.